This would be my 1st post from Korea ~ Looking out of the window, the sky in Korea still looks very much like the one that we have in Singapore. Glad to know that I am still not that far away from everyone else as we are still under the same blue sky (Hmmm the sky don't seem to be looking blue... I think its the dirty window).
Today would mark my return to student life. A bit apprehensive, a bit excited but i guess things should turn out fine (hopefully).
I guess life is really like a box of choclates - you never know what life has in store for you. Throw me back to any time a few years back, I would never believe that I would go overseas to study !! Been a long way i guess ~ 1.5 yrs .. in Dec 2009 I would be back in SG le. Till then, I would see whether life has more exciting things lined up for me !! Come what may !! =)